hope & plum ring sling carrier review

This blog post contains a hope & plum ring sling carrier review as well as a hope & plum discount code.

When Georgia was a baby, I prioritized skin-to-skin. In addition to having some birth trauma that made it harder for me to bond initially, I was desperately trying to breastfeed her. We spent most of our time at home shirtless, curled under our favorite Barefoot Dreams blanket (and maybe that’s why she loves snuggling soft things). Baby carriers became life savers, and even at 1.5 years old, she still walks over to my carrier, grabs it, and signs “more” to me.

At some point, I purchased a beautiful ring sling at Goodwill. I spent maybe $7 on it, and it did the job! It was perfect in colors and a great option when I didn’t want to deal with getting all situated with a wrap or lug out my bulky structured carrier. Through the wonderful algorithm of Instagram, I started following the brand Hope & Plum and learned so much about baby-wearing, especially in my ring sling, from them.

Fast-forward years, and they were having a mystery sale. They were heavily discounted ring slings (and other products!). You could make suggestions or requests in the “notes” box, but they had no guarantee they’d be able to fulfill your request. I decided to shoot my shot and said that my absolute favorite color is pink, so as long as whatever they sent went with pink, I’d be very happy.

I watched the tracking info like a HAWK and was so excited to bust open my ring sling and see what I got. and I nearly cried.

hope & plum ring sling in posy

At the time, this was their ONLY solid pink option on their site (they’ve now expanded to also have a peony color).

Since receiving this ring sling, I have easily doubled the amount of time I spend wearing Georgia. Often, I’ll quickly throw Georgia into my ring sling, grab Madeleine’s hand, and speedwalk downtown to make it to church on time. I bring it whenever we go to the mall or the store or anywhere Georgia might get super bored or over it.

I’ve only ever used one other ring sling, but I wanted to take the time to review the hope & plum ring sling because I love it SO MUCH.

Hope & Plum Ring Sling Review
Color: Posy
Length: Extra long
Ring color: Black
Fabric: 55% Hemp, 45% Organic Cotton
Weight limit: 8-35 pounds

Georgia is around 20 pounds (she’s tiny!) and 1.5 years old.

IMG 3410

Things I love about the ring sling:

  • the color
    It’s so beautiful and I still can’t believe they sent it to me! If I was paying full price, the only thing I would have done differently is chosen different ring colors but for the discount, I am so happy!
  • Ease of use
    There is a bit of a learning curve, which I’d spent a lot of time working through with my first daughter. I still haven’t quite figured out the back carry and I’ve never carried an actual small infant in one, but for the more sturdy infants and toddlers, this one is great.
  • Mom owned small business
    Like I said before, I’d been following hope & plum for awhile before I decided to invest in one of their carriers. Mallory and Skye founded and run the business long distance (what a feat!) and I have loved getting to know them via social media. They are so responsive and personable.
  • Consultations
    Each carrier comes with the chance to have a personalized consultation virtually with Mallory! There are lots of babywearing communities that allow you to do “fit checks,” where you post photos from different angles, but I love the idea of scheduling one so she can troubleshoot with you in real time. If I am unable to confidently master the back carry, I am going to schedule one!
  • Machine washable
    My hope & plum ring sling currently has… yogurt? I think? on it. With a little protection and attention, the carrier is completely machine washable. Very convenient since toddlers are so stinking messy!
  • Size inclusive
    hope & plum offers FOUR different ring sling lengths so that you’re not tripping on extra fabric or struggling to feel like there’s enough. All of their carriers come with length options, but the four options for the ring sling is amazing!

Barriers to using a hope & plum ring sling:

  • the price
    MANY of the reasons I listed above are why they are priced how they are. The small business of it, the access to continued support while using it, etc. If you are interested in buying a hope & plum ring sling but the cost is a barrier, then wait for their mystery box sale (I got mine for 45% off!) or you can use discount code STEPHANIEM at hopeandplum.co to get 10% off your order (one time use).
hope & plum ring sling carrier review

{pushing the stroller because she preferred this method of transportation instead lol}




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