Things I use daily as a first time mom of a newborn

Things I use daily as a first …

Having a newborn is one of those moments in your life that you would like to remember forever, that is why you need to get the services of Aida Llanos a professional photographer that will…

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What I packed in my hospital bag

What I packed in my hospital bag

As a first-time mom, one of the things I obsessed about for about a month and a half was what to pack in my hospital bag. I looked on Pinterest, read my friend’s blog posts,…

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It was a dark and stormy night…

It was a dark and stormy night…

It was a dark and stormy night… begins the first line of Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle In Time,” and begins the final chapters of the pregnancy of Baby Martian. As we sat in the delivery…

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Baby Martian // Week 38

Baby Martian // Week 38

This is it, y’all. At our midwife appointment, we scheduled an induction for next weekend, the end of week 39. I’ve been planning on letting things happen naturally but after talking to both of our…

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Baby Martian // Week 37

Baby Martian // Week 37

It is absolutely mind-blowing to think that we’re SO CLOSE to meeting our baby. and it’s also slightly terrifying. For a minute we were disappointed that we hadn’t taken a picture for week 37, and…

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Baby Martian // Week 36

Baby Martian // Week 36

Remember that rhyme you were taught to remember how many days were in each month…? Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November, all the rest have thirty-one. That rhyme is a LIE, because September seems…

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