Baby Martian // Week 35

Baby Martian // Week 35

The amount of time I spend worrying about delivering this baby is slowly and steadily increasing. Every time I go to roll over and feel some random form of sharp pain in some random place…

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Baby Martian // Week 34

Baby Martian // Week 34

The other day, I was working on my computer and I felt the tiny human inside of me start squirming and moving and it was uncomfortable and I thought… I wonder if it’s 9 am.…

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Baby Martian // Week 33

Baby Martian // Week 33

There’s this song I’ve known and loved for like 16 years, called “What’ll She Look Like,” by this band called Stephen Speaks. and ON THE DAILY, I get that song stuck in my head for…

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Baby Martian // Week 32

Baby Martian // Week 32

A week behind on this, but somewhere between Week 31 and Week 32, my answer to “how are you feeling?” went from “great, I barely feel pregnant!” to “PREGNANT!!!!” all caps, bold, underline. My back…

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Baby Martian // Week 31

Baby Martian // Week 31

31 weeks down, 9 to go!  Apparently, homegirl is as big as the crystal ball from Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban. Me too, Ron Weasley… me too. I have no idea how they…

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Baby Martian // “Nursery” Update

Baby Martian // “Nursery” Update

When we first found out we were pregnant, we were living in a cute little studio apartment across the hall. It was one of the many reasons I walked out of the bathroom with my…

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