Baby Martian // Week 30

Baby Martian // Week 30

OK the original plan was to take pictures in the SAME OUTFIT, in the SAME PLACE… but then last week I was too lazy and this week I thought, “well if I already wore a…

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Baby Martian // Week 29

Baby Martian // Week 29

Next week, our countdown to due date is in the SINGLE DIGITS. What the crap. I remember finding out we were pregnant and wondering what it would feel like to be DOUBLE DIGITS WEEKS PREGNANT,…

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Baby Martian // Week 28

Baby Martian // Week 28

It. has. been. a minute. and by minute, I mean like a MONTH!! We were scrambling to get things ready for Nashville, then we were in Nashville, THEN we were catching up from being in…

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Baby Martian // Week 23

Baby Martian // Week 23

It’s still really funny and kind of weird to me that I’m doing the whole week-by-week photos of my pregnancy thing. I’ve been deep into Pinterest trying to find an actual format for pregnancy update…

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Baby Martian // Week 22

Baby Martian // Week 22

Shout out to Baby Martian for hitting a huge milestone: homegirl is officially a pound this week, according to the internet. We missed a photo last week because I was out of town, and then…

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Baby Martian: Week 20

Baby Martian: Week 20

On Week 19, Day 1, we went to an anatomy scan for our growing little coffee bean. I was anxious to find out what’s between its little legs. It started with measuring all of our…

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