Five on Friday – Five recent Amazon Purchases

Five on Friday – Five recent Amazon Purchases

Tis the season for heavy relying on Amazon Prime shipping to get your last minute gifts delivered real fast, amiright? Honestly, until Madeleine was born, I never really understood Amazon Prime. I always appreciated quick…

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Georgia // Month 3

Georgia // Month 3

It’s hard to believe our sweet little peach is already 1/4 of a year old. With Madeleine, it felt like time was so slow. I couldn’t imagine her ever being half a year old, a…

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Five new favorite newborn products

Five new favorite newborn products

HAPPY FIVE ON FRIDAY! Today I’m sharing our five favorite newborn products. I guess TECHNICALLY Georgia isn’t a newborn anymore (hold my coffee while I sob), but this covers the first two months of her…

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TWO MONTHS of our super sweet Georgia girl. When I keep calling her sweet, I mean it. She has the sweetest disposition (so long as she has a full tummy and clean diaper). I am…

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GEORGIA // month 1

GEORGIA // month 1

On the one hand… ONE MONTH OLD ALREADY? and on the other hand, I’ve been thinking I’m 10 weeks postpartum making her 2.5 months old so suddenly I just got back a LOT of time…

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Baby Martian #2 // Georgia’s birth story

Baby Martian #2 // Georgia’s birth story

After blowing up my blog with exactly TWO blog posts about being pregnant, I figured the least I could do is take time to pause and document the birth of our second daughter. But also,…

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